U.S. motorcycle deaths increased 2% last year to 6,342 while overall traffic fatalities fell for the second year in a row. - Pexels/Djordje Petrovic

U.S. motorcycle deaths increased 2% last year to 6,342 while overall traffic fatalities fell for the second year in a row.

Pexels/Djordje Petrovic

Motorcycle fatalities are rising, according to traffic statistics, and a federal transportation agency has appointed an advisory body to guide it on motorcycle safety issues.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration established the Motorcyclist Advisory Council after data showed U.S. motorcycle deaths increased 2% last year to 6,342 while overall traffic fatalities fell two years in a row.

The 13-member advisory council includes members of motorcyclist groups, road engineers, researchers, road-safety groups, and state transportation agencies. It will advise the NHTSA, the secretary of transportation and the Federal Highway Administration on motorcycle-specific transportation issues, including safety, road design, and intelligent transportation system technology.

“This council will help improve motorcycle safety by bringing together riders and transportation safety professionals to advance solutions,” said NHTSA Deputy Administrator Sophie Shulman. “We are committed to reducing motorcycle fatalities and making our roads safer for riders, and these 13 individuals will guide us in crafting new policies and strategies to save lives.”

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